
Got Bait?

So I have some great leads on tracks coming in from my nature photogs. I can’t believe in this rainy weather in January they are still out there taking amazing photos. And even more surprising is how many of them didn’t realize they were already automatically geo-tagging their photos. I’ve got leads but nothing good enough to share yet. But I’ve got some areas of activity that I want to setup cameras and baits. Cameras we’ll talk next post but this time let’s talk bait.

Legend has it that he likes berries, fruits and some proteins like fish. Also that he has a pretty good nose, even though he smells so bad. My plan is to use some commercial baits that I’ve linked below. My research show a preference for salmon, vanilla and apple scents. These are the foods he digs into people backpacks and coolers the most for. And he seems to skip bacon, maybe it’s the smoke smell? I know he hates the smell of smoke.

But let’s talk apples a little bit. He won’t go near orchards for fear of people and machines (hates machines) but will devour wild apples whole. I remember visiting an old farmer in Alberta years ago who had a small collection of apple trees in his farm yard. Every late summer he would gather them up, crush them and put them with water into an old whiskey barrel and close up the lid. Then in the winter at the end of a hard cold day of farm work he would lift the lid, smash the ice layer and take a tin cup of “cider”. Freezing it would increase the alcohol level, clever man. Now I’m not planning to get Bigfoot drunk but I will be saving all the apple cores from my daily fruit health shake. I’ll leave them in containers with water to work a little and get some good scent off of them.

I’ll need the professional scent gear below because it would survive other wild life scavengers and looky loos.

By Biggy

A novice Bigfoot finder who lives in the center of a hotbed of Bigfoot activity: Sasquatch Mountain, British Columbia. He prefers the term Bigfoot cause it's easier to spell.

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