

So this “crew” that has been interviewing me this past year for their “documentary” about Bigfoot have come up with the title “Foot Finding” which to be honest doesn’t really work for me.

And while I’m being honest I’m not too sure about this “crew” and their ability to make a film. It’s been a fricking mess from the beginning. They are late for appointments, their lighting guy is a complete moron and they constantly misunderstand or get everything I am saying to them completely wrong. They screw up the most basic stuff constantly. I am really regretting that I signed off on doing this. But as they say “In for a penny, in for a pound”. Can’t really go anywhere else to do anything else with all the flooding around here.

And speaking of pennies, now they tell me that they have run out of funding to finish this dam thing. I’ve stuck my neck out on this, given them hours of my time and now they are hinting they want money from me. Not going to happen! So they setup one of those internet beggar bowls. I’m not sure if this “doc” thing will ever see the light of day, but if you want to throw a few shekels their way then go to this website:

Here’s what they have to say about the “project”. And yes, I’m using “bunny ears” quote marks sarcastically as hell.

N3ZEN Productions is proud to present our new upcoming documentary called “Food Finding” – A Bigfoot Documentary that we began in April 2021.
Our preproduction and initial interview filming is complete but we require additional resources for editing, soundtrack, mastering, release and most importantly marketing.

Good luck to them I guess. That’s all we need is another “Sasquatch Movie” 🙁

By Biggy

A novice Bigfoot finder who lives in the center of a hotbed of Bigfoot activity: Sasquatch Mountain, British Columbia. He prefers the term Bigfoot cause it's easier to spell.

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