I wrote a very short book with my photos about being in the forest. And somehow I got it on Amazon. It’s short and cheap.
I wrote a short book.

Time for a top ten list because the internets loves those. But what I’d really like is for you to comment on what your favorite Bigfoot / Sasquatch book is please!? Because I could only think of five and I want to make this list a top ten list. Please comment and vote or suggest new titles and I’ll update this list.
So, ahem, I went on Amazon looking for books about Bigfoot and came across some rather “adult” selections. If you are offended by adult sexual materials I suggest you stop reading, close the browser and go watch the Weather Channel.
Bigfoot in films sometimes had a “forest bride” which was a cute human woman that he decided he was taking back to the cave. It’s pretty much the “beauty and the beast” trope that goes right back to Fay Wray and King Kong.
But the idea has really lit a fire in many authors and readers it seems. In the name of research I first read this book:
Cum For Bigfoot: Volume One, Books 1-5
by Virginia Wade from Amazon
It was pretty fricken raunchy to say the least. A group of girls get kidnapped by Bigfoot and his “mother”? And he keeps them for sexual gratification. The detailed description of his rather large but squishy penis really put me off. The girls seemed nice but it just seemed wrong in so many ways for this day and age. Considering it supposedly is written by a woman I found it offensive to women. Just my opinion. To quote Paris Hilton: “Not hot”.
If you are into it though, there are five more books:
Cum for Bigfoot: Volume Two, Books 6-10
by Virginia Wade from Amazon
And to cover all the bases and be equal opportunity we looked at another book that is for men who like men who like Bigfoot.
It’s well written and the concept of a gay President Bigfoot is kind of funny especially after the last four years. But the sommelier butt tasting was just…too much. Not my thing but it might be yours. Check it out:
Went digging around for some materials to help me with my finding mission and came across this book: Sasquatch Field Guide: Identifying, Tracking and Sighting North America’s Great Ape. Looks to be more like a laminated pamphlet than an actual book, but interesting none the less. Check it out and see what you think:
Sasquatch Field Guide: Identifying, Tracking and Sighting North America’s Great Ape from Amazon.com
What it did bring to my attention is that I need some good forensic rules for taking photos of what I might find. Gotta make sure you have something for scale reference in the pictures and a table measure looks, well, like a tape measure. I want something that looks professional so I did some googling and came across ttps://destinysagent.wordpress.com/2009/10/04/forensic-rulers/ and I must say these look great. Going to print it out and laminate it with some clear mactac I have laying around.
Another big step into the world of Bigfoot for me was my Mother buying me the book “The Best of Sasquatch Bigfoot”. I devoured this book back then. Revisiting it now I am able to make copious notes that I will be sharing as I move forward on this blog.
The book is mostly highlights and interviews from John Green’s huge database of encounters (which I will also cover in the future). Many are interviews he conducted himself but most are from newspapers and historical record. This makes sense as Mr.Green was a newspaper reporter and owner. The first part is focused on the details of the Patterson/Gimlin film and how it could not been have faked.
But what really got my attention was the $100,000 reward that had been offered by the Willow Creek China Flat Museum. I can’t find any detail of it being offered any longer. But no matter, it’s not the money that interests me but the details. The reward was for anyone who could demonstrate how to fake the Bigfoot tracks that were found in the Bluff Creek valley in northern California in 1958.
Here were their requirements:
A successful applicant will have to be able to make flat-footed, humanlike tracks with more than twice the area of human feet and longer-than-human strides which do the following:
1) Traverse a variety of terrains, including climbing, descending and crossing steep slopes covered with underbrush;
2) Show variations of shape and toe position and stride accommodating to the terrain;
3) Sink into firm ground to far greater depth than human footprints specifically as much as an inch deep in hard sand where human prints barely penetrate at all;
4) Leave hard objects in the ground, such as stones, sticking up above the rest of the track.
The applicant will also have to be able to make these tracks under the following conditions, although not all in combination: 1) In the dark, hundreds in a single night; 2) In places where it is impossible to bring any vehicle or other machine or any equipment except what humans or animals could carry; 3) Without doing anything to attract the notice of people a few hundred yards away.
The Best of Sasquatch Bigfoot from Amazon.com