
Do Bears and Bigfoot get along?

So I’m back from the forest earlier than I thought and going to have to hunker down at home for a few weeks. Too much smoke, too many tourists and noise to get any good Bigfoot finding done.

While out there I ran into a few bears and started to think, do bears and Bigfoot get along?

The reason this question strikes me so hard is that in my limited experience it seems that if there is bear activity in an area there are no Bigfoot signs and the reverse as well.

Is it a territorial thing? Fighting for resources? Or just don’t like each other? Should I avoid bear country because it’s not Bigfoot country?

Anyone have any data or thoughts?

By Biggy

A novice Bigfoot finder who lives in the center of a hotbed of Bigfoot activity: Sasquatch Mountain, British Columbia. He prefers the term Bigfoot cause it's easier to spell.

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