
Stuck in Sasquatch Park

Last week I posted that it was time to get out there in he bush and camp out and do some proper research. My reasoning was that the weather was good and there were no major forest fires. Well, I couldn’t have been more wrong.

Normally I’m all about OpSec for my Recons (boy that sounds like ParaMil elite speak doesn’t it?). But this is public knowledge so I’m not spilling any beans I guess.

Last Wednesday after posting on the blog I packed up and headed to the far north end of Sasquatch Park to setup in the bush and monitor my new trail cam setups. And two things happened that kept me trapped up there for a lot longer than planned.

First was the heat wave, yesterday it finally peaked. British Columbia broke North American records yesterday in Lytton with 49.5 C / 121.1 F. That beat any records set by Las Vegas. As of this morning more than 70 people have died due to the heat wave.

Out in the bush it wasn’t that bad but it still sucked. So I wanted to head home as I figured Bigfoot was laying low in this heat as well. But heading home became a problem (see the top of this post):

Yup, trapped by a forest fire. The only road in or out was cutoff by a 4-hectare wildfire. Rumor is that it was started by a car fire. So I was stuck up there longer than I planned. I was prepared, I had food, I had water and was safe. And if push came to shove I could have left my vehicle and been boated out and if it was a true emergency then Search and Rescue could helicopter people out. So I hunkered down and waited it out. Just got home early this morning to a nice cold shower and a cold beer and now it’s time for a long nap in the AC.

Serves me right for spouting off last week about weather and fires 🙁

And the trip was a Bigfoot bust as I got nothing on my trail cams.

By Biggy

A novice Bigfoot finder who lives in the center of a hotbed of Bigfoot activity: Sasquatch Mountain, British Columbia. He prefers the term Bigfoot cause it's easier to spell.

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