
Bigfoot Brains

The always amazing Don Jeffrey Meldrum posted a link to a interesting brains article on his Facebook page.

“Scientists discover why the human brain is so big” from

What interests me, and others I presume, in this article is the statement that “Molecular switch makes human organ three times larger than great apes’, study finds”.

So what if a very large great ape like the Gigantopithecus had this molecular switch turned on? What if by chance this large ape was lucky enough, just like us, to have this switch?

Well, you’d have a Bigfoot I think. And why isn’t this possible? It’s a perfect explanation of Bigfoot.

Another interesting statement: “Tinker with the switch and the human brain loses its growth advantage, while the great ape brain can be made to grow more like a human’s.”

So is it reasonable to think that someone, somewhere hasn’t already tinkered? Or maybe it was just Mother Nature who flipped his switch? I mean, some how the human’s switch was flipped.

OK, maybe I’m flipped. But it’s something worth thinking about.

By Biggy

A novice Bigfoot finder who lives in the center of a hotbed of Bigfoot activity: Sasquatch Mountain, British Columbia. He prefers the term Bigfoot cause it's easier to spell.

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