For this week’s post I just have a lot of questions. These have come up during recent research and I thought I’d list them out. There are so many things we don’t know about Bigfoot but what triggered these questions are changes in descriptions or portrayals over past years. I’d love to hear any feedback.
- Inbreeding is causing extra or less toes?
- Is breeding with human women introducing an arch to the foot prints? Causing them to be smaller?
- Opposable thumbs or not?
- Does the hair color turn white with age?
- Does Bigfoot hibernate?
- Why underhand throws and not overhand? Too much shoulder muscle?
- Grunting only communication? What about simple sign language?
- Grooming? Bathing? Why the smell? Toilet paper? 🙂
- Carnivore or Vegetarian?
- Night vision or not?
- Tiny ears means poor hearing?
- Plural: Bigfeet or Bigfoots?
Lots of questions and I really would like some feedback from you all. Thoughts?