
Field Guide & Forensic Rulers

Went digging around for some materials to help me with my finding mission and came across this book: Sasquatch Field Guide: Identifying, Tracking and Sighting North America’s Great Ape. Looks to be more like a laminated pamphlet than an actual book, but interesting none the less. Check it out and see what you think:

Sasquatch Field Guide: Identifying, Tracking and Sighting North America’s Great Ape from

What it did bring to my attention is that I need some good forensic rules for taking photos of what I might find. Gotta make sure you have something for scale reference in the pictures and a table measure looks, well, like a tape measure. I want something that looks professional so I did some googling and came across ttps:// and I must say these look great. Going to print it out and laminate it with some clear mactac I have laying around.

By Biggy

A novice Bigfoot finder who lives in the center of a hotbed of Bigfoot activity: Sasquatch Mountain, British Columbia. He prefers the term Bigfoot cause it's easier to spell.

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