About six years ago or so I was lucky enough to have a wonderful house up on Vedder Mountain just outside of a small village called Yarrow in British Columbia.
My backyard led straight up the mountain into old growth cedars and there was no sign of civilization until you hit the USA. The smell of the air was amazing. We had families of deer, bears, possums and all sorts of wildlife on our land.
One day my neighbour down the hill in the flats by the railway line comes up to me with his digital camera with a big smile. “I’ve got a picture of Bigfoot but you can’t tell anyone about it or have a copy”. Needless to say I was intrigued. Long story short, the photo was amazing, and a fake. And even more incredible it was taken between my mailbox and my house. Turned out a film production was shooting a Bigfoot movie in our little Yarrow. They used the deli, my barber and the train tracks I mentioned are right next to them in the cast photo above.
The movie was OKish I guess, it was a horror movie. Very cool to recognize so much of our neighbourhood while watching it. I wish I had that photo he had taken, it was amazing. But he had signed an NDA.
This was another step towards my passion and planning for finding Bigfoot.
Feed the Gods DVD from Amazon.com